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Stay Well Roll-On Set

Stay Well Roll-On Set

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Help support your family against the threat of seasonal illnesses with the immune-boosting power of three incredible essential oils blends: Defender, Germ Fighter, and Immune Aid. Each comes pre-diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil and stored in an easy to use roller bottle for quick immunity support whenever you need it! This dynamic set of blends is a great way to support a healthy immune system and keep the whole family feeling great. Try our KidSafe option Defender for younger children to help keep unwanted germs away after long days at daycare or school. Plus, its bright, pleasant aroma is encouraging and uplifting, adding an even greater sense of well-being for your kiddos. But don't worry, this blend works just as well for adults! For a warm, spicy punch to help kick the crud, Germ Fighter has been our go-to wellness blend for years. With essential oils like Cinnamon Cassia, Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary, you're sure to feel both a physical and mental boost.

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