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The Path to Wellness and an Invitation


Steph here.

This is my very first blog post not just here but first, EVER. I’m intimidated and not sure how in the heck I am going to help others on their individual paths of wellness, but I am going to try because the life I have built for myself and my home is something to share boldly.

I have been pondering on where to start off with our blogging and have found that I am:

  1. Super intimidated (I love to write, but writing in blog style is completely foreign) and this is a completely new experience for me. 
  2. Super passionate about the place I've grown into on my health and wellness journey but know not everyone is at the same place or on the same path, so there is a desire to honor each path where it stands.
  3. Have seen countless times how exciting but overwhelming it can be to open your eyes and heart to all of the new wellness info and then discern which path might be best for you and your family. 


How about starting with the basics at the very beginning? A little less overwhelming and intimidating, one piece of the puzzle that is fairly easy to tackle (with some inspiring direction). Are you ready to clean up your life a little bit? Let's start at home, by removing some of the top contenders for toxin contamination. These will be gentle and forgiving fixes that you can integrate at your own pace (I have a hard time not using up what I have, even knowing that there could be some yucky stuff that I should rather avoid). 

Because you are here reading the very first Wellnest blog post, you have undoubtedly been supporting us in one way or another. We are genuinely giddy with grateful energy for your support! 

As a gigantic thank you, Jen and I want to share our first freebie with you. This  Wellnest at Home Ditch & Switch Worksheet provides you with the info you need to kick off the first steps of cleaning up your home. Get yours HERE

We are so thrilled to welcome everyone - wellness newbies and those seasoned with many years of wellness knowledge alike.  Looking forward to learning together and moving forward toward all of our individual and collective wellness goals. 


Steph & Jen

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