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Cozying Up to Autumn Wellness

Ahhhhh, autumn is here in the Ozarks and it’s absolutely stunning. 

The leaves are changing colors, the nights are chilly, and the days are…well, the days are still hot as heck in the afternoons but I’ve come to appreciate that too. 

To me autumn is the season of digging in; getting cozy with myself, family, & friends. It’s a time to snuggle in with books, light some air-purifying beeswax candles, sip warm cider, bake delicious and nutritious foods, and breathe in the refreshing crisp air. It’s a great time to do the work for wellness, make a few small changes we’ve been meaning to make, and foster deeper connections with our communities. Autumn is also a time to nourish our healing processes. 

For the rest of this season I am looking forward to sharing quick-start guides, recipes (click here for a gluten-free/dairy-free pear galette recipe from the Unconventional Baker), tips, and holding space within The Wellnest Mamas community; to further our support of everyone who has supported us as well as those who just need a little extra support as this season ushers us into the hibernation of winter. 

I am grateful for you and looking forward to supporting you through this season. 

Lots of love,



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