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Colloidal Silver, A Natural Medicine Cabinet Must Have!

When my eldest child turned 3, we got to experience our very first bout with an eye infection. Bacterial pink eye popped up seemingly overnight. If you've never experienced this ailment yourself or as a parent, let me tell you...YUCK. 

Waking up to crusted-over eye lids is uncomfortable and scary as an adult, as a child it seemed to be the end of everything sane (as much as possible with a three year old anyway)! 

As I scrambled to wrack my nurse brain for a solution, it was my self-directed natural nursing study that prompted me to reach for the colloidal silver. 

Right in the eye those drops went, I knew that colloidal silver had antimicrobial properties and figured the drops couldn't hurt until we could have the eye looked at. 

We never made it to the ophthalmologist! By the next morning (and after a few more drop doses of our colloidal silver) the eye was completely normal. There was no more discomfort, there really was no evidence of the previously rampant infection. Colloidal Silver moved up to the front of our natural medicine cabinet and we haven't looked back in over 7 years!

Some other potential benefits/uses we have recognized through the years have been: ear infections (early stages), wound care/skin healing (burns, eczema, psoriasis, thrush/yeast, and even staph), inflammation (colloidal silver is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help reduce swelling and repair surface and systemic inflammation, as a nasal spray it can help with allergies and nasal infections, and colloidal silver can even help lessen the duration of colds and flus and other longer term issues as it is also anti-viral.

Colloidal silver has been simply wonderful for my family and I hope it helps other individuals and families as well! 

There are several different application methods for colloidal silver, based on what it is you need to treat. Here are some general guidelines to help you navigate bio-individual needs as they arise.

  • Directly to the skin, apply 2-5 drops.
  • For Pink Eye or ear infection, apply 1-2 drops directly into eyes or ear canal
  • Apply 1-2 drops on a bandage to encourage quick healing.
  • Use a neti-pot with 5 drops OR spray 5 drops directly into the nose
  • Apply 5-10 drops vaginally or anally
  • Orally, 1-5 ml may help to reduce time to heal during viral and/or bacterial infections.

I hope this little story and guide helps you in the decision to add this small but mighty helper into your personal natural remedies collection. 

Lots of love,


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